excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude

"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way." Martin Luther King Jr said that. When you think of excellence, words like being the best, being closest to perfect and being exceptional in whatever one does, flash through the mind. It is not a skill that is inborn in some and acquired by others, like writing or painting. It is an attitude that you develop in yourself. The habits that make you, you. Yes, excellence is a part of you.

The attitude of being extremely good at whatever you do, and doing it with utmost hard work and dedication, is excellence. You better yourself. Fix mistakes. Do your best. Seek greatness. All the time. That is what marks you from the rest.

The will to dream. The striving to achieve great feats. Refusing to settle for mediocrity. Doing what nobody else has done. Pushing boundaries of possibility. Breaking barriers. Going where no soul has been.

Excellence gives satisfaction to the heart, and success comes automatically with excellence. What better way is there to be happy than to get what the heart wants? Isn't that why we're here- to make this world a better place?

What makes one develop this attitude- this determination to be exceptional? They're not ethereal beings with superpowers gifted to them by aliens of some planet! They're ordinary people who do extraordinary things, and ordinary things extraordinarily well. And then do them better. Winners don't do different things. They do things differently. They embark on perilous journeys and come back undefeated with their hearts braver than ever and minds more experienced.

They dare. They fall. They learn. They get up. They smile. They win. That is excellence.

“My meaning simply is, that whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do well; that whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself to completely; that in great aims and in small, I have always been thoroughly in earnest.”
Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

+Yashraj Talan is a self-proclaimed sane person, yet to be forced under psychiatric consultation due to lack of any scientific proof to the contrary. Apart from troubling the world with his annoying but innovative antics, he also finds time to sleep and wake up every day as well as live life beyond his online existence, fighting procrastination every few hours a day.
This blog is a part of The Vibrant Newborns.

The Vibrant Newborns mostly comprises of students who work hard to score good grades even as they strive to help make...

Posted by The Vibrant Newborns on Monday, 18 May 2015

Many a map I consulted,
Many a call for help I did shout,
The darkness was overpowering-
Strange animal calls dominated the bout.
The path was hazy:
The going, not so easy,
The cloudy day was dark,
I, fearless, went far and far
Until I came to the end of forestry,
The orange sun shining bright
And there I stood at the end of the woods,
Thinking, which hazy road I had traveled by…

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