Did We Score A Goal?

Around a month back, the football frenzy that the FIFA World Cup was, concluded. Many fans were disappointed while many others rejoiced even as Germany led a dream run to glory. For many players this journey came to a rather abrupt and discordant end. History repeated itself, though on a much grander scale, big dominating names failed to meet expectations while beautiful and good football helped some underdogs taste remarkable, unprecedented yet short-lived successes.
The FIFA World Cup Brasil 2014 was perhaps the most viewed event ever in the history of mankind(Whoa!)
For me though, it did not mean much. Not that I did not enjoy the beautiful game that football is (arguably the most beautiful and by far the most popular game in the world) once in a while, but I merely stand for the fact that five in every seven people worldwide do not follow it. In addition, the remainder two in every seven people were largely unaffected by the outcome of the event, and went on perfectly well with their lives (after getting drunk by their football-fan friends).

Look at Brazil a month after the big event that was supposed to be a start for a new beginning for the Latin American nation. Crime rates refuse to subside, public distrust in the government continues to grow and the country’s financial condition seems to be showing little signs of improvement. Their national team lost in a very disgraceful way and the happy-happy entertainment show that the World Cup seemed to be, is now a part of the past, as is the immense international media limelight the country received during those days. What does this show? Does it mean that going ahead with a poor decision of the past (of hosting the extravaganza) amount to nothing but a waste of money- especially when hopes of the country beginning a success story with the national football team’s possible victory bringing back long-lost optimism were high? To be fair, yes and no.

Yes because nothing in the country then actually went in their favour- except the excitement generated led to the highlighting of more of Brazil to the world in a better way.

No because hosting the World Cup was ultimately a poor decision by the Brazilian administration. The gamble did not pay off well. Selling a dream world does not always work in everybody’s favour. It has failed in the past and continues to fail in the real sense even as politicians sell dreams to the public even today (which will continue to happen unless we wake up).

Therefore, what do we learn from it?

·         Brazil has a wonderful friendly population that needs more of not beach parties with scantily clad women but positive government support.
(Brazil has 21% of its population below the poverty line)
·         Amidst all the biting and vertebrae breaking the FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 was perhaps the most exciting tournament ever and was thoroughly enjoyable, for which Brazil deserves acknowledgement.
(This was the costliest FIFA event till date)
Indians like me though have little reason to cheer for their home country that is well below par when it comes to football performances. While we may celebrate our national cricket team’s domination of cricket with pride, we do not stand a chance when it comes to anything other than badminton, chess, and more recently, table tennis. What we need to do is build ourselves through active participation in sports and begin right from the basic level- school. Work hard, play harder! It is not too late.

Let us celebrate a kick different from the Kick familiar to Bollywood-obsessed India. Let us learn something from Brazil. Let the games begin!
Yashraj Talan is a self-proclaimed sane person, yet to be forced under psychiatric consultation due to lack of any scientific proof to the contrary. Apart from troubling the world with his annoying but innovative antics, he also finds time to sleep and wake up every day as well as live life beyond his online existence, fighting procrastination every few hours a day.
Many a map I consulted,
Many a call for help I did shout,
The darkness was overpowering-
Strange animal calls dominated the bout.
The path was hazy:
The going, not so easy,
The cloudy day was dark,
I, fearless, went far and far
Until I came to the end of forestry,
The orange sun shining bright
And there I stood at the end of the woods,
Thinking, which hazy road I had travelled by…

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