
Showing posts from October, 2014

Difference Between Talking and Communicating

This is the worst post I'll ever write * . Ever since man has known Facebook, he has learnt to laugh at a glaring screen. He has learnt to cry at the screen too. The social animal that he is has learnt to be "more" social than ever before. Today, one can talk to someone miles away through instant messages and share emotions reduced to certain emoticons (which don't even make sense at times). Our feelings, opinions, ideas are reduced to a random Facebook post or comment. People read on. I wonder how many of them bother to understand. I wonder. So, are times so bad that we need to advertise our feelings today? Are people so selfish that they do not bother to even ask us about ourselves? We're spending a large part of our lives doing stuff that does not make sense. Stuff that does nothing to evolve us, improve us, prepare us for tomorrow. I check my News Feed. I see sad people. I see others making fun of them. I see ideas. I see others mocking those ide...