Contact Me

Hey there! I'm Yashraj Talan I'm not on Whatsapp.
Writer, arrogant, dumb, freak.
Yashraj Talan...That's meee! :P
You can reach me on Facebook - .
I am on Google+ - .
My Twitter username is Dukhi Aatma(which in Hindi means Sad Soul) and you can follow me here(Don't worry, I am pretty awesome) -
My email(spammers, hard luck)-
My(well maintained) LinkedIn profile-
I'm on Pinterest too(bored already?) - 
My Skype username is yashrajtalan
My passwords are usually either areyoukiddingme?! or whyareyouevenreadingthislongpasswordwhenyouknowitisntreal?!

I work at +The Vibrant Newborns. Err, here: The Vibrant Newborns on Facebook

The Vibrant Newborns mostly comprises of students who work hard to score good grades even as they strive to help make...
Posted by The Vibrant Newborns on Monday, 18 May 2015
My other blog is at Innovations . Why don't I write there anymore? The URL. Oh, and the name. Ugh.


Here's Google Translate for you- :)

Fine print: I am single. Weird looking. Boring. Super busy. Don't have a life.

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