About The Hazy Road

I write. And you read.

How simpler can this be? -_-

The Hazy Road is about fighting with the fog of Winters by choosing to stare at bright screens all day and all night instead of going out. Oh, your car has fog lamps? Staring involves less hard work.

Well, The Hazy Road is about my perspective towards life. Yes, the road to the future is hazy. You may have dreadful accidents on your way. It may end suddenly, too. But then uncertainty makes life exciting.

I may turn into a murderer tomorrow and kill you for not appreciating my blog. Or I could...you know...get a life. Murder is easier, by the way.

This blog is part of +The Vibrant Newborns, a dreadful place where a group of writers write because they hate their lives and also because they want to spread the hatred through their words. We mostly post on Facebook so check us out on http://www.facebook.com/TheVibrantNewborns.

The Vibrant Newborns mostly comprises of students who work hard to score good grades even as they strive to help make...
Posted by The Vibrant Newborns on Monday, 18 May 2015

If you're still reading, throw away your phone/laptop/tablet(gently, please? Thanks) and get a life.

Don't take this post seriously. :)

Love, Yashraj Talan.

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