For The Grammar Nazis

I love the fact that somewhere in this world, a Grammar Nazi, a protector of languages, exists for me who’ll make my life less annoying and more perfect.
Who is a Grammar Nazi?
According to the Urban Dictionary, a Grammar Nazi is someone who believes it's their duty to attempt to correct any grammar and/or spelling mistakes they observe. Its earliest known use dates back to January 19th, 1995 when the term appeared on a newsgroup. As long as Earth’s languages survive, the term is here to stay. A YouTube video at the end of this post describes them very well.
They take out time from their really busy schedules to fix your mistakes. It’s such a noble job, you know. They bring about change- in writing habits and speaking skills. They teach you how to use a language the way it’s meant to be used. They improve you. Free of cost.
A Grammar Nazi bleeding out emotions.
Image credit: MEMECENTER.COM
I am a Grammar Nazi myself. What do I do when I get angry? Oh, I correct grammar. When to know a Grammar Nazi is drunk? When they’re sending texts with messed up grammar. Yes, even when they're in a hurry, these creatures remember to meticulously add that little a-bit-insignificant-to-the-rest-of-us full stop.
Each Grammar Nazi makes this world more perfect. More sophisticated. More peaceful for other Grammar Nazis. Their clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habits of yolo, brb, ilu and ttyl. They are at a higher plane of consciousness than the rest of us when it comes to using the languages well. They lead less stressful lives. At least those living in countries where spelling mistakes are not common in almost every other billboard and banner live less stressful lives.
They are not narcissists. When they correct your grammar, they are not trying to prove they are superior or anything. They are letting you understand that more easily.
Adjectives such as spoilsport and irritating are attributed to them, but come on, they are only doing their duty as a human being. The duty enshrined in the principle, “if you’re putting up with something wrong being done, it’s no less than actually doing it.”
Grammar Nazis help you become more humble and self-aware. They want you to admit your mistakes humbly. Learn the lesson that you’re not perfect and you make mistakes. Although they forget that you’ve already learnt that lesson many times over, mind you, they’ll never forget their grammar. Not in your life, at least.
Never question their grammar. You could be setting yourself up to go on a guilt trip wondering what exactly did you learn your English classes all your life. And if you really want to annoy them, go ahead and mess up dose spelings. Forget to insert those silly symbols you see in the special symbols keypad hell with all of that just reply them in emojis. They can’t correct emojis. And then watch them burn. Metaphorically, that is.
So, do you want to do this noble act?

NOTE: This article is for entertainment purposes only and is laced with tonnes of sarcasm. None of it is not to be taken seriously. Views are personal.

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