
I think I am in love. I don't know with what exactly. Haven't given it much thought. Maybe it's with the beauty of the world, this same imperfect, unfair world that I had grown to resent once in a while.

Maybe it's with the heights of human endeavour I see every day- improving bit by bit, minute by minute, day by day. Maybe it's the smile of a stranger- a small child who has much to know, but manages to smiles at what he does know.

Maybe it's how people endure hardships, problems, and things that pull them down, and still give a damn about the people they love. Maybe it's how lucky I am to be born a little crazy and a little sane; a little less ruined by education and a little more enriched by it.

Maybe I am in love with that girl's beautiful mind- one that embarked on its journey to excellence and has learnt much from the travel.

Maybe I am in love with how the wind fills my lungs with cool, fresh air, and fills my heart with warm, pleasant happiness. Maybe I am in love with how flowers bloom every day and spread nothing but happiness and fragrance. Maybe I am in love with how my sister argues with me all day but remembers that she does love me, despite everything.

Maybe I am in love with love. Just maybe. And I think it loves me back too.

I imagine it waving at me with that reminiscent smile full of memories, ever-patient, ever-lovely. Waiting for me whenever I come home after a tiring day. And who's to say what's in the head isn't real?

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