time to fly

I have a friend. He says it’s important to not ruin perfection with things. Silence is perfection. Words are limitations, barriers to perfect communication and leave memories imprinted with tags that make things...small. Idealism, isn’t it? 
(video at the end of the post)

He has a point. We spend so much of our time explaining, describing, specifying, quantifying, qualifying things. We spread hate when we could have spread love. We talk and we talk and we do little. Smiles become pictures and sadness becomes a 1am scream. Pimples and cuts and scars become unwanted questions and pain writes a story untold only to have it torn apart, unacknowledged. Love becomes a 4-lettered word.

We lose and we lose and we name the loss victory. We ignore the other side for the presentable sight. We’re moving forward, striding, leaping, pacing, sprinting. But we’re not yet flying.

Who left behind the idea of loving ourselves? Or did it slip away in our strides, like pockets full of sand emptying themselves as you climb uphill asphalt roads and stairs of cement and stone? Who are we hurrying for?

More importantly, we forget that we are ‘we’. We are one.

Now I want you to pause. I want you to reflect. Don’t say a word. Don’t roll your eyes just yet. Think of the truth you keep forgetting but try to grasp every morning, like a child trying to hold on to his dream, only to find it cut open by his waking up. Is that child dead?

Why do we reminisce, remember the past? Why hold on to the worries of the heart? Stop chasing sanity. Slow down. Feel the world around you. And see its beauty for all its flaws, all its terrible, devastating mistakes, all the ruins, pain, and defeat. Look at it rise every day.

A person commits suicide every 40 seconds. You owe it to yourself, to your love, to remember that you are worth living, loving, flying.

Fly, my friend, fly.

+Yashraj Talan is a self-proclaimed sane person, yet to be forced under psychiatric consultation due to lack of any scientific proof to the contrary. Apart from troubling the world with his annoying but innovative antics, he also finds time to sleep and wake up every day as well as live life beyond his online existence, fighting procrastination every few hours a day.

Many a map I consulted,
Many a call for help I did shout,
The darkness was overpowering-
Strange animal calls dominated the bout.
The path was hazy:
The going, not so easy,
The cloudy day was dark,
I, fearless, went far and far
Until I came to the end of forestry,
The orange sun shining bright
And there I stood at the end of the woods,
Thinking, which hazy road I had traveled by…

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