
Showing posts from April, 2015

For The Grammar Nazis

I love the fact that somewhere in this world, a Grammar Nazi, a protector of languages, exists for me who’ll make my life less annoying and more perfect. Who is a Grammar Nazi? According to the Urban Dictionary, a Grammar Nazi is someone who believes it's their duty to attempt to correct any grammar and/or spelling mistakes they observe. Its earliest known use dates back to January 19th, 1995 when the term appeared on a newsgroup. As long as Earth’s languages survive, the term is here to stay. A YouTube video at the end of this post describes them very well. They take out time from their really busy schedules to fix your mistakes. It’s such a noble job, you know. They bring about change- in writing habits and speaking skills. They teach you how to use a language the way it’s meant to be used. They improve you. Free of cost. A Grammar Nazi bleeding out emotions. Image credit: MEMECENTER.COM I am a Grammar Nazi myself. What do I do when I get angry? Oh, I correct gramm...

Random Musings

I don’t know what to write. It’s a huge crisis for me. And I’m not even writing for a school exam/project. A crisis in the sense that I am not writing down any of my strange, unique, and possibly precious thoughts. Exaggeration aside, I am letting ideas pass without taking a moment to value their worth, let alone make any effort to bring them to fruition. I’m letting the river of thoughts flow into a sea of oblivion without utilizing it by storing some of it through productive means in safe places like in some creation or in someone’s mind, where they may reside as memories. I would have included telepathy as a means to communicate and share thoughts too, but it unsurprisingly never works for me. Perhaps some more years of collective psychological advancement of the human race will bring telepathy close to being a real possibility, but as of now the only way to exploit my river of thoughts is to write. I would have chosen talking for sharing my mind’s opinions, ideas and feelings...