For The Grammar Nazis
I love the fact that somewhere in this world, a Grammar Nazi, a protector of languages, exists for me who’ll make my life less annoying and more perfect. Who is a Grammar Nazi? According to the Urban Dictionary, a Grammar Nazi is someone who believes it's their duty to attempt to correct any grammar and/or spelling mistakes they observe. Its earliest known use dates back to January 19th, 1995 when the term appeared on a newsgroup. As long as Earth’s languages survive, the term is here to stay. A YouTube video at the end of this post describes them very well. They take out time from their really busy schedules to fix your mistakes. It’s such a noble job, you know. They bring about change- in writing habits and speaking skills. They teach you how to use a language the way it’s meant to be used. They improve you. Free of cost. A Grammar Nazi bleeding out emotions. Image credit: MEMECENTER.COM I am a Grammar Nazi myself. What do I do when I get angry? Oh, I correct gramm...