
Showing posts from May, 2015

excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude

"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way." Martin Luther King Jr said that. When you think of excellence, words like being the best, being closest to perfect and being exceptional in whatever one does, flash through the mind. It is not a skill that is inborn in some and acquired by others, like writing or painting. It is an attitude that you develop in yourself. The habits that make you, you. Yes, excellence is a part of you. The attitude of being extremely good at whatever you do, and doing it with utmost hard work and dedication, is excellence. You better yourself. Fix mistakes. Do your best. Seek greatness. All the time. That is what marks you from the rest. The will to dream. The striving to achieve great feats. Refusing to settle for mediocrity. Doing what nobody else has done. Pushing boundaries of possibility. Breaking barriers. Going where no soul has been. Excellence gives satisfaction to the heart, and success comes automa...