evolution of doom

​We're the broken-hearted.
We're the romantics.
We're the stressed, the depressed, the oppressed.
We're the revolution, the result of evolution.
We're the lost, the distraught, the complaining lot.
We're the broke, the overdosed, the confused smoke.
We're the epoch, the bedrock, the much sought.
We're debauched, and we've been popping in pills each night like they're confectionery. Manufacturing peace and calm by the early morning. Addicted to anxiety like it's daily medication. Overdosing on pills to give attention to the outside and be blind to our insides.
We're breaking apart, we're half-broken, and half devastated, but we need no fixing.
We need no fixing.

evolution of doom
Written by Yash Raj Talan

[note to self: one day, i sincerely hope, you shall look back at this, and understand that these days are gone. hopefully.]

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