flowers and music

​//if flowers could speak, would they smile for not being white for funerals of lost loves, or smile because they aren't? //

Five years ago, I learnt
That flowers listen
And respond to music
So, stupid as I was,
I played Taylor Swift to them
To see if they wilt in pain,
Or remember their last loves again,
But the funny thing is,
They died.

Now, I've learnt,
The flowers knew just to bloom
And to look up
And keep looking
Until their dying breaths,
Until the same sun they seek
Leaves them dry,
So when someone told me
To not pluck flowers,
I said I knew that,
For people had been plucked out
Too often
And I did not want to do the same.

My mother once told me
To not keep wilted ones,
And I just wanted
To keep them
All the more then,
Because that is when
We forgret them easiest,
We miss them least;
We want them left,
As they were,
Dying, present continuous,
And then, simple past, dead.

I'm no flower;
This is no tree of life;
There is no sun,
There is only light,
And the absence of it
Gnawing, piercing, getting to me—
The impossibility of absence even being important
Or even existent, a mystery—,
And the show of light and dark
Playing out,
Focusing in,
Burning up,
Taking down,
And I just wish
I wish the music could play.

flowers and music
Written by Yash Raj Talan

[note to self: ​humans are weird; they kill flowers for their liking, but then they also kill people for the same reasons. love them.]

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