when the storm arrives

"Take the sky in, let the rain pour. Let it fill you till your tears of happiness are one with those from the clouds. Feel the rhythm of your heart with the pitter-patter of rain, almost slowing now, and then suddenly rushing again. Hear the quiet in the white noise, the truth in the black sky. Smile and jump a bit, and jump again, and again. Pause. Notice the melody of the world replacing the humdrum of horns, and tiny faces looking up at the sky, all expectant, all hoping for something. Yet, the storm listens to none, it remembers no one, nothing. It touches you for that brief night of your life, and soothes your skin for a while, and then it leaves without a sigh. It leaves without a goodbye."

"She was my rain, I made her into skies."

when the storm arrives
Written by Yash Raj Talan

[note to self: may you find music in the rain, and light in the floods]

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