me too?

It's very easy to ignore the online world. Unless you are affected, none of it matters. Most friends I know make an effort to stay away from political news, criminal reports, and anything dark-themed, because that is what our society has become. A bright and clear mirror of the dark skies we live under every day. Safety has become a passing opinion. Trauma a trend. All we share now are humour, movie reviews and artwork, because that is all that's left pure.

But not quite. Comedians, actors, directors- all people we look up to for their creations- are creating madness. They're breaking people down, bit by bit, all under the blinding light of their stardom. It's too bright for me, anyway. And to think that these people were once admired for their open-mindedness, "woke af" thoughts, or even their work. It is incomprehensible.

People are speaking up, and people are being heard. Right from the top, to the friends I personally know. And the sound is hurting just a bit to this person who has no involvement with any of this.

What does this mean for the common people who may or may not have the fortune of not being part of the #MeToo story- a saga that just refuses to stop breaking hearts, while also, for the first time in a long, long time, allowing for a space to heal?

Answer: It means that sentences are now no longer cut off by semicolons and full-stops. It means that there are finally people ready to listen, to take action. People ready to punish the crime, and hear the victim. People ready to see the truth, or at best, seek it. People ready to stand, and not alone.

It means that a silent pledge has been passed down through each share, each retweet, each like, that we are ready to change. We're ready to call out people for their wrong normal, and we're ready to keep what's happened in our memory so nobody can face it again.

It also means that both men and women need to be humbled, and ready to change. If I have ever wronged anyone this way, or done anything that could have made anyone uncomfortable, I'm ready to change. To apologise. To accept.

Me too?
Written by Yash Raj Talan

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